Challenges in the first project period

Troughout this first project period we faced folowing challenges:

  • In our learning network the associated partner advocacy poverty group plays an important role in critical reflection and bringing in the multiple perspectives of children and families living in poverty. We had to search how to make this work and avoid that they are not just spectators but participants in what the childcare centre and preschool would do in terms of actions. Leading the research of the experiences of parents, was a good decision in order to give them a clear and supporting role for the other centres. Especially when ECEC centres dominantly take in an institutional perspective instead of what children, families and local communities also need, bringing in organisations that are advocates for families living in poverty or families from ethnic cultural minorities, is an interesting future pathway to ameliorate the quality of the transitions for children.
  • In order to create sustainable chance, ECEC centres should be competent systems in which individual professionals are supported and foremost enabled to create innovations. In both centres we also work on ensuring that there is a continuous professional learning structure. For instance in the childcare center, the director is a driven actor of change. Yet her pedagogical coaches did not seem to be less engaged in the problem of transitions in order to support the childcare workers to work on the actions. In the preschool, directors have changed 3 times throughout the first period of this project. Yet, from a systemic view it is important in our case study that we work with the level of the class practice of the teachers and childcare workers, but also work with the directors who can ensure good working conditions in order to organize a warmer and more inclusive transition. Each time we tried to involve the director in order to ensure some continuity. The pedagogical guidance person of the school in this project has been an important coach for the preschool teachers and also in order to create the conditions within the school for successful actions. Nevertheless, the importance of her role should also be acknowledged and protected in the school system.

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