- The article Sustaining warm and inclusive transitions across the early years: insights from the START project, written by A. Lazzari in cooperation with L. Balduzzi, K. Van Laere, C. Boudry, M. Režek and A. Prodger was published in the EECERA Journal in December 2019.
- Round table presentation of the country case study at the project’s final conference in Brussels: International Symposium for Innovative Practices, Policy Makers and Stakeholders.
- Publication of an article in a national professional magazine
- Conference for ECEC and primary school professional (educators, teachers, pedagogical coordinators, school directors)
- Training for pedagogical coordinators from the province of Rimini province
- Training for pedagogical coordinators from the province of Forli-Cesena Municipality
- Cooperation in writing the article Sustaining Warm and Inclusive Transitions Across the Early Years (START): Facilitating Collaborative Learning of Childcare Workers, Preschool and Primary School Teachers for the Well-Being Magazine
- In November, UNIBO carried out a presentation at an in-service training for early childhood educators (0-3 services) and preschool teachers (3-6 services), which was organised by Rimini province’s municipality of Misano Adriatico. The purpose was to connect the experimentation carried out in the Italian case study (D. D. Vignola) to continuity projects implemented in local preschool and school institutions and create opportunities for activating networks.
- In August, UNIBO was in charge of the self-organised symposium within the international conference EECERA.The aim of the symposium was to disseminate preliminary findings of the project within the international ECEC research community (Europe and beyond – attended by academics and practitioners from over 40 countries).
- In April, a workshop for the visiting delegation GO!, which is an official state organisation responsible for preschool, primary and secondary school education in Flanders (Belgium) was held to promote our work through institutional research collaborations nationally and internationally: Presentation.
- Several trainings for preschool and primary school teachers were organised by Bologna province’s municipalities with the purpose of connecting the experimentation carried out in the Italian case study (D.D. Vignola) to continuity projects implemented in local preschool and school institutions and create opportunities for activating networks.
- UNIBO representatives conducted a training workshop for early childhood and primary school teachers organised by the Department of Humanities – Pavia University, by the National Early Childhood Education and Care Association and by ZeroSeiUp training and consultancy in order to disseminate the objectives and actions of the START through well-estabished practitioners’ networks locally and nationally.
- A wide spectre of audience in Italy and worldwide can follow the activities of our project on the partner UNIBO’s website (in Italian) and in English.
- For the Italian speaking audience, read about more about our work here: Practitioners professional development